College Success Reading Sample Test: Question 3 of 5

Read the selection and answer the question.

Just a Lot of Hot Air?

Long, long ago, many Greeks went to visit the oracle at Delphi. The city of Delphi was thought to be the center of the world. In Greek mythology, this place belonged to the god Apollo. His words were supposedly spoken through the oracle. The oracle was a mysterious woman who sat on a three-legged stool and answered people's questions.
People thought that the oracle could tell the future and explain odd events. The people who came paid a tax. They might also offer a pig, a goat, or a cow as a gift. Each person was allowed to ask one important question, such as "Should I marry this person?", "How many children will I have?", or "Should I start a war?"
The oracle would listen to the question, and then she would enter Apollo's temple. There she would take deep breaths from a hole in the ground. She would begin to see things and speak in strange words. The Greeks explained that special gases from the ground helped the woman see through mysteries. Others interpreted what she said in order to answer people's questions and help them plan for the future.

In ancient times, why would a person who visited the oracle bring an animal?

  • As a way to pay for his or her trip to Delphi.
  • As a gift to help him or her have good fortune.
  • To make sure that the oracle was not hungry.
  • To take advantage of the natural gas in Delphi.

Test Item 3 of 5